What will be the coffee shop chatter today in Nebraska?
- 56% of Nebraskans turned out to vote which is high for a mid-term election.
- All of Nebraska’s Congressional representatives were re-elected keeping the faces the same in Washington D.C. on behalf of our State. Congressman Adrian Smith, Congressman Jeff Fortenberry, Congressman Don Bacon and Senator Deb Fischer all easily won their elections.
- Governor Pete Ricketts and Lieutenant Governor Mike Foley also easily won re-election.
But that doesn’t mean everything else stayed the same:
- Medicaid expansion passed with 53.25% of the vote, most of rural Nebraska voted against the measure, but votes in Lancaster, Douglas, and Sarpy carried the ballot measure across the finish line.
- Three state legislative incumbents were ousted by their challengers. Senator Steve Lathrop won back his seat in Omaha, Machaela Cavanaugh beat out Senator Theresa Thibodeau in Omaha and Tom Brandt won over Senator Laura Ebke from Crete.
- Three livestock producers were elected to the Nebraska legislature. Congratulations to Senator-Elect Myron Dorn who raises beef cattle, Senator-Elect Dave Murman who has a dairy operation and Senator-Elect Tom Brandt who raises beef cattle and pigs.
- Senator Dan Watermier who currently represents District 1 ran and won his race for Public Service Commission leaving a legislative spot Governor Ricketts will have the opportunity to appoint someone to for the next session.
- And finally, at the federal level, Democrats took control of the House of Representatives while Republicans retained control of the Senate.
Here’s a breakdown of the results for the Nebraska State Legislative Races:
District 2: Robert Clements won with 56.94% of the vote over Susan Lorence.
District 4: Bob Hilkemann won with 61.17% of the vote over Shannon Coryell.
District 6: Machaela Cavanaugh won with 50.71% of the vote
District 8: Megan Hunt won with 64.11% of the vote over Mina Davis.
District 10: Wendy DeBoer won with 50.12% of the vote over Matt Deaver. This race was only decided by 37 votes and will be subject to an automatic recount.
District 12: Former State Senator Steve Lathrop won back his old seat with 55.19% of the vote over Merv Riepe.
District 14: John Arch won with 55.86% of the vote over Jeff Parris.
District 16: Ben Hansen won with 61.59% of the vote over Chuck Hassebrook.
District 18: Brett Lindstrom won with 53.91% of the vote over Scott Winkler.
District 20: John McCollister won with 59.20% of the vote over Jackie Collett.
District 22: Mike Moser won with 64.33% of the vote over Doug Oertwich.
District 24: Mark Kolterman won with 73.49% of the vote over Stephanie Nantkes.
District 26: Matt Hansen won with 73.19% of the vote over Bob VanValkenburg.
District 28: Patty Pansing Brooks ran unopposed and took home 100% of the vote.
District 30: Myron Dorn won with 53.01% of the vote over Don Schuller.
District 32: Tom Brandt beat out incumbent Laura Ebke with 56.32% of the vote.
District 34: Curt Friesen ran unopposed and took home 100% of the vote.
District 36: Matt Williams ran unopposed and took home 100% of the vote.
District 38: Dave Murman won with 64.30% of the vote over Marsha Fangmeyer.
District 40: Tim Gragert won with 51.59% of the vote over Keith Kube.
District 42: Mike Groene won with 67.22% of the vote over Judy Pederson.
District 44: Dan Hughes won with 77.33% of the vote over Stephanie Malcolm.
District 46: Adam Morfeld ran unopposed and took home 100% of the vote.
District 48: John Stinner ran unopposed and took home 100% of the vote.